It is with great pride, that we announce that from September 2022 for one year, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) will have a Hungarian diplomat serving as chairman, His Excellency, Mr. Csaba Kőrösi.
The past couple of year have presented us with unprecedented challenges, after many decades, a war is raging in Europe once again after a deadly pandemic that has changed the world as we once knew it forever. In these difficult times, the role of International Organizations, such as the United Nations have increased significantly, that provide a platform for dialogue between nations. The UN was founded to be such a place, one, where foes can sit down and negotiate, even reach a peaceful agreement.
Therefore, it is a huge honour, that the General Assembly of the UN will be chaired by a Hungarian diplomat for a year. Mr. Kőrösi is without a doubt ready to take on such enormous responsibility, a gentleman with significant experience in the field of diplomacy, as a former Head of Mission at the Permanent Representation of Hungary at the United Nations, he is someone, who knows this institution very well and will contribute to the successes of its fight for peace and stability.
It is symbolic, that in times of such hardship, the UNGA has elected to name someone from Hungary as Chairman. Many foreign invaders have set foot in our dear homeland in the past centuries, but none of them achieved their goal to eliminate the proud Hungarian people from the face of the earth. Who better to guide through these United Nations in such troubled times, than someone from a nation that has endured so much over the centuries.
The Embassy of Hungary to Georgia sends its most heartfelt congratulations to His Excellency and wishes him many successes in his most challenging responsibilities!